Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 3rd


So this semester is going to suck.

I still have one more class to go to before I've made my full first loop for classes.

But wow.

I cannot believe it.

I don't know, I'd say Tuesday is slightly better than Monday. But it's almost too close to call.

I sent an angry letter to my Visual Storytelling teacher today. Because he thinks he can let us out 15 minutes late everyday. Which would be fine if I didn't have a class directly after that one. Who takes attendance and lowers your grade everytime you are late. So I sent him an email saying stuff about respecting student schedules and other teachers.

We'll see how that goes.

I have a pretty rough time on Tuesday though.

My class starts at 11:30 and then I'm in class straight until 4:00.

So I miss lunch.

My favorite meal...

I have a headache.

But I think that's normal.

Okay I'm going to make a list of how I think I'm going to like my teachers by the end of the year. Ranked from best to worst.

1.) Visual Perspective
2.) E.A. Forum
3.) China/Japanese Art
4.) Visual Storytelling
5.) Macroeconomics
6.) Intro to Design

What? Intro to Design is going to be worse than Macroeconomics? Yeah, I just have a feeling.

1 comment:

K. said...

I don't understand why you hate Turner so much. I mean, you've only had him once, but you already think he's a jerk.