Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25th

I had a pretty awful meeting-with-a-person today. Our school has a thing called "Inside-Track" where we meet with an "advisor" for 20 minutes every week and talk about...stuff.

I originally had a pretty nice, decent guy. I liked him. But he quit, because the job sucked. So now I have this chick, Jessica. Oh, Jessica. She's the most incredible person I have ever met, but in all the wrong ways.

One of the things that, in general, just kind of annoys me is the question "So, tell me about yourself." It's just an odd and kind of intrusive demand for someone to make. But, ah, Jessica. You would take it one step further. I tell her about myself, the general gist, you know. "Freshman, from Mission Viejo, Majoring in Digital Arts, somethings about my family, why I'm at Chapman." And then there's an awkward silence. And then a "Yes, but really tell me about yourself. What are you interested in, why did you come to Chapman." I say wow. Seriously? You are going to be like this? I say this in my mind. But fine I say. In my mind. Whatever. I'm interested in Animation, and what careers are available to me. Also, I'd like to study abroad. You know. Like I said.

"Look," she says. "You're going to have to talk to me if we're going to be friends for the next year"

Right off the bat.

This relationship, Jessica. It isn't working.

So we go on about me. She asks me all of these questions that I give legitimite responses to, that she doesn't find acceptable. Like "Where are you going to work?" I say I'm not sure yet. That I'm going to keep my options open until I find what I'm best suited at. She lets me know that she just doesn't want to see me drop out. That I should start working on a resume. Really, now? Is this appropriate?

We kept talking until we reached another awkward silence. She was going off in a new direction somewhat similar to the "Tell me about yourself," we I cut her off with my own

"So, tell me about yourself."

She looks at me for a couple seconds. She says she enjoys helping students with their problems and that she's a Economics major from Chapman with a minor in Business Adminstration. Jessica asks "Am I good enough for you?"


Yeah. sure..


Our twenty minutes are about up so she walks me to the door. As I'm leaving she tells me "You don't have much faith in InsideTrack, do you? Well, we'll just have to change that next time."

Annd that was InsideTrack.

I'm friggin stressed out.
And I haven't been this generally pissed off since intro to puberty.

I'm moving to a new room. In a new dorm. With two new roommates.


Anonymous said...

Wow that jessica is a pyscho. where does she come off talking like that? you should request a new person. when do you move into a new room?

Michael Heffernan said...

your tale made me both cringe and laugh.
i think you could write a book about that.