Saturday, February 28, 2009


What can I say? It's been fun wild ride, and I've enjoyed looking forward to this blog I've got here every day since I made it. So, that's all for sentimentality.


Here it is.

I'm filming tomorrow. I have no idea how it is going to turn out, and it's kind of scary. With The Shave, I at least had a sort of vague idea of what I wanted it to look like. But now. I can't say. Not so confident, yet if done right I think it has potential.

Unfortunately, this blog isn't going to exist by the time I finish


EGM was canceled. Can you believe that? Apparently this was back in January, but somehow I missed the memo. And now I'm heartbroken. And I wasn't even on time. But that's alright, I guess. Some new, young upcomer will surely take the spot.

It's amazing how many people are losing their jobs though. I feel really lucky that my parents are doing alright, but you just can't be sure how permanent that will be.

I really don't want to drop out of school..

But that might actually might turn out okay. Most art schools are cheaper than Chapman.

Speaking of art...!!!

No, that's okay. I won't do that to you. Not on the last blog.

Well okay, maybe just one

I think it would be really funny to do an entire life drawing series where it is blatantly censored like above. Yeah? No?

I think so.

So today I took pictures of my art. A lot of it. It was pretty cool though, because I set it all up on the patio of my house. I got my dad's camera, the school's tripod, and a bunch of clear tape and just went crazy. It was actually a lot of fun. And then I got to retouch all of them.

So all in all, a pretty successful day.

I bought pina colada licorice. Let me just say, I don't know how I made it this far without it.

OH, I got a hair cut too.

I bought Street Fighter IV, waiting for me as soon as I post this sucker..

I went to the Olive Garden with my parents. Their bread sticks never cease to amaze me. And! They had vinegar. Does anyone else ever get vinegar on sandwiches? It's wonderful, so I'd suggest you try it. Man, my mouth is watering and I'm not even hungry.

It was so warm today too. It was kind of nice,'s just.. soon. I mean, March...ehhh. I guess I'll let it slide. January was just too weird for me to really comprehend.


The awkward silence before I leave.

Okay well.

It's been a pretty eventful month. I'd say you caught me in a pretty interesting time. I hope you've enjoyed what I've had to say about stuff. At least as much as I've had saying it. Writing it. Typing it? It doesn't matter.



That's a pretty awful ending..

Friday, February 27, 2009

February 27th

A good day. One of the best since the making of this blog.

What happened that made today such a good day? Nothing. Nothing happened and it was awesome. I woke up a little later than I had planned. Like 10ish. I went downstairs and ate a grapefruit. I've never eaten a grapefruit before. It wasn't bad. I then did some drawing-related stuff.

They're less work-intensive than they look. But basically I just messed around with brushes and color gradients. I like how they turned out.

I then went running. Not as difficult this time.

OH. I found the most amazing animated short.


Absolutely brilliant. But it does have some violent humor so beware. Also, don't be fooled by the beginning. I beg of you to watch the whole thing.

And it's dans francais. Encore.

I'm going to do Summer School this year at LCAD. It's aimed at High Schoolers, but I'm willing to bet they'll make an exception.

I have somethings I need to get prepped before tomorrow, so goodnight all.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 26th

What a miserable week. Today my favorite teacher quit. In the middle of class. He was actually talking about something else, when he just kind of blurted out he was quiting and the end of next week.

Apparently a film he's been working on for a while just got greenlit, so he's leaving teaching to go direct the movie for the next year in Oregon.

This wouldn't be quite so painful if the exact same thing hadn't happened last semester with my French teacher. For once I was excited for French. This was very strange, but something about her just made the subject captivating.

And then she left.

Not that either of them didn't have a good reason for taking off.
But I can't help but wonder why only the good ones leave.

So, an awful rut of bad luck.
but, whatever.

I have to do another film this weekend. I don't have the prompt yet, but just be prepared those of you who I would typically call on for such an event.

Friday mornings are my favorite. My parents are both are work, so I have the entire house to myself. I usually wake up earlier than I would normally and go outside and lay on the trampoline. Then breakfast, followed by laundry, followed by shower, followed by homework, followed by cleaning, followed by drawing/animating. Then lunch. Maybe not in that order though.


It's surprising how many of the best animated shorts are French. There must be something to that. But then again, that guy Tyson Ibele is from New Zealand. And he's about as talented as they come, so.. maybe not.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25th

I had a pretty awful meeting-with-a-person today. Our school has a thing called "Inside-Track" where we meet with an "advisor" for 20 minutes every week and talk about...stuff.

I originally had a pretty nice, decent guy. I liked him. But he quit, because the job sucked. So now I have this chick, Jessica. Oh, Jessica. She's the most incredible person I have ever met, but in all the wrong ways.

One of the things that, in general, just kind of annoys me is the question "So, tell me about yourself." It's just an odd and kind of intrusive demand for someone to make. But, ah, Jessica. You would take it one step further. I tell her about myself, the general gist, you know. "Freshman, from Mission Viejo, Majoring in Digital Arts, somethings about my family, why I'm at Chapman." And then there's an awkward silence. And then a "Yes, but really tell me about yourself. What are you interested in, why did you come to Chapman." I say wow. Seriously? You are going to be like this? I say this in my mind. But fine I say. In my mind. Whatever. I'm interested in Animation, and what careers are available to me. Also, I'd like to study abroad. You know. Like I said.

"Look," she says. "You're going to have to talk to me if we're going to be friends for the next year"

Right off the bat.

This relationship, Jessica. It isn't working.

So we go on about me. She asks me all of these questions that I give legitimite responses to, that she doesn't find acceptable. Like "Where are you going to work?" I say I'm not sure yet. That I'm going to keep my options open until I find what I'm best suited at. She lets me know that she just doesn't want to see me drop out. That I should start working on a resume. Really, now? Is this appropriate?

We kept talking until we reached another awkward silence. She was going off in a new direction somewhat similar to the "Tell me about yourself," we I cut her off with my own

"So, tell me about yourself."

She looks at me for a couple seconds. She says she enjoys helping students with their problems and that she's a Economics major from Chapman with a minor in Business Adminstration. Jessica asks "Am I good enough for you?"


Yeah. sure..


Our twenty minutes are about up so she walks me to the door. As I'm leaving she tells me "You don't have much faith in InsideTrack, do you? Well, we'll just have to change that next time."

Annd that was InsideTrack.

I'm friggin stressed out.
And I haven't been this generally pissed off since intro to puberty.

I'm moving to a new room. In a new dorm. With two new roommates.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24th

Not a good day.
But it's okay.
Let's not talk about it
After all..

It could be worse.

Blog, we are coming to an end. We are on our final stretch. And I feel like I've just started to become accustomed to your presence in my life. 4 more days. 4 more blogs. Not including this one.

I need a haircut. It's starting to reach that stage where I can't really do anything with it anymore. My face only allows for a certain percentage of hair, and that line is being approached dangerously close. Also, I don't know if this is just a college thing or what, but everyone is growing out a beard. I don't understand. They are pretty good beards too, though. So I don't think it's just a fad. I think there are just a large portion of Chapman men who are good at that kind of thing.

I don't really like having a beard. A beard is just too..heavy. A mustache on the other hand, well that's a totally different thing.


I just watched this tonight. So offbeat it hurts. That's another phrase I like sticking on to things. So____ it hurts. You can use with pretty much anything. But I digress.

I turned on bold typed a couple minutes ago to write "animationeducation" and now I can't get it to go back.

Ohhh, the humor in my life in unceasing.


Wow, we have a pumpkin in our room.

I have never noticed it.


Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23rd

I have a zit on my forehead. A really bad one too. I haven't really had any outstanding acne for a year or two (no thanks Proactive) but recently, things haven't been going too well. I'd want to blame it on my increase in stress, or maybe even my diet, but honestly. This is just the way things are. I'm overdo.

I ran a mile today.

And it shouldn't have been as difficult as it was.

It was kind of funny though. Because I went to the downstairs gym, and there were 3 very athletic college women working out. And they have an opposing wall that's all mirror. So you can compare yourself to the other people in the room. But that's not really the point, THE point is that, I started running. And the girl on the treadmill next to me looked like she had already been going for a while. So I start it on slow. Like 2.5 or whatever. And I'm walking. I speed it up to 3...3.5. 4.5 is where you kind of have to start jogging. 5.5 is running. THE MOMENT I hit 4.7 I got a cramp in my side. LIKE 30 SECONDS IN. ohhh, the shame.

Oh, so I uploaded my school video to YouTube. The quality is better there, so if you want, you can re-check it out.

I don't know who has seen this, but you really need to.

My roommate is moving out. The one that I kind of got along with. Which leaves me and the one that I don't really get along with. He said he's leaving for financial reasons, but honestly, I think he just doesn't like us. Also, I believe they are going to try and raise the housing rates for us too, but we'll see how that turns out. That isn't very fair after all.

Pest control came to our room today. Which was..weird. And disturbing. Remember those ants I was talking about a couple weeks ago? Well, he opened the freezer and there they were. in the freezer. Hundreds of them, all frozen to death.

Sometimes, I just don't know.

The roommate with whom I do not get along very well with is watching baseball. He just demanded that I watch baseball with him. I'm kind of..offended, amazed, and appreciative at the same time. I asked who was playing. He said the Angels, so I asked him what sport. He told me baseball and I was like "oh, wow. really?" He then muttered 'I hate you.' Very, very faintly.

But most people underestimate my hearing capabilities.


Bill Plymton. He really stands out because he does everything by himself. With most hand-drawn animation, you need a good-sized crew to pull it off. But he just takes his time. Frame by frame. That's some amazing patience.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 22nd

Video # 2, right off the editing station. I'd like to thank the academy.

I had to pull some crazy editing to get it to fit. I hope you like it.

Slumdog Millionaire? Really? I don't understand. Maybe everyone has some connection with that film that I'm just missing.

Benjamin Button got screwed a little bit too.


Seems like so long ago now...

It's funny though. When I was watching the Oscar's, I didn't get that pumped. I never do really. But I was expecting to be pumped because I had spent the previous day getting pumped for the Oscar's. But when you get right down to it, it isn't really the awards that matter, it's the movies. So profound, but really. So, Slumdog won a bunch of awards. It's still a great film, but it doesn't make it any more great now that it is Best Picture. And the ceremony is kind of boring..

I don't know why Hugh Jackman sung so much. was interesting. I guess.

I'm still trying to soak in the 5 movies I watched yesterday.

Emotional overload.

I have to do the school thing tomorrow.

But today, today was fun. And I have a picture as proof.