Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23rd

I have a zit on my forehead. A really bad one too. I haven't really had any outstanding acne for a year or two (no thanks Proactive) but recently, things haven't been going too well. I'd want to blame it on my increase in stress, or maybe even my diet, but honestly. This is just the way things are. I'm overdo.

I ran a mile today.

And it shouldn't have been as difficult as it was.

It was kind of funny though. Because I went to the downstairs gym, and there were 3 very athletic college women working out. And they have an opposing wall that's all mirror. So you can compare yourself to the other people in the room. But that's not really the point, THE point is that, I started running. And the girl on the treadmill next to me looked like she had already been going for a while. So I start it on slow. Like 2.5 or whatever. And I'm walking. I speed it up to 3...3.5. 4.5 is where you kind of have to start jogging. 5.5 is running. THE MOMENT I hit 4.7 I got a cramp in my side. LIKE 30 SECONDS IN. ohhh, the shame.

Oh, so I uploaded my school video to YouTube. The quality is better there, so if you want, you can re-check it out.

I don't know who has seen this, but you really need to.

My roommate is moving out. The one that I kind of got along with. Which leaves me and the one that I don't really get along with. He said he's leaving for financial reasons, but honestly, I think he just doesn't like us. Also, I believe they are going to try and raise the housing rates for us too, but we'll see how that turns out. That isn't very fair after all.

Pest control came to our room today. Which was..weird. And disturbing. Remember those ants I was talking about a couple weeks ago? Well, he opened the freezer and there they were. in the freezer. Hundreds of them, all frozen to death.

Sometimes, I just don't know.

The roommate with whom I do not get along very well with is watching baseball. He just demanded that I watch baseball with him. I'm kind of..offended, amazed, and appreciative at the same time. I asked who was playing. He said the Angels, so I asked him what sport. He told me baseball and I was like "oh, wow. really?" He then muttered 'I hate you.' Very, very faintly.

But most people underestimate my hearing capabilities.


Bill Plymton. He really stands out because he does everything by himself. With most hand-drawn animation, you need a good-sized crew to pull it off. But he just takes his time. Frame by frame. That's some amazing patience.


Michael Heffernan said...

more great pictures. funny too when you think about it... me in johns house and john in my house.

Anonymous said...

that is funny. gotta love the pictures.