Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12th

Ahhh, the end of the week.

I had to present my video to my class today. The one with the cafeteria. I was surprised with how nervous I got before it was my turn.

But people really liked mine, which was odd. Most of them were just happy to see the dish-cleaning place. But, yeah, I didn't really know what I was doing.

I called a bunch of people last night. Which was fun. By "a bunch of people" I mean like 3. You know who you are. It was nice to hear from all of you. Three of you.

My visualization/perspective teacher is creepy. At first, I thought he was just kind of nerdy. My first impressions are usually wrong, and this case was no exception. I don't know how much I want to..detail everything. But, as an example, he made us draw a postcard in our textbooks that had a naked fat guy running with a dog. Then he went around to all the girls in the class talking about how thankful he was that his running leg blocked out his privates. every single girl. Something fishy was to be detected. And it wouldn't be such a problem if he didn't do it all the time. And then he pats them on the back. But like..not normally...


That class is weird in general.


Oh so it turns out, no one in my group needs the tripod. no one. So I'm stuck with it for another three weeks at the least. THREE WEEKS. ROOM SO SMALL. GTFO TRIPOD>>!!


Ahhh yes. I think everyone like this one. Watch the first one too, if you have time to kill.


K. said...

I love being home. So much.

Gee :D

And nice choice for the animation bit.

Michael Heffernan said...

5 Uses for your unwanted tripod:
1. A coat rack.
2. A teepee(bedsheet required)
3. A door stop
4. A blunt force weapon
5. A practice gatling gun.