Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I have decided to create a blog for the next one month. I don't really know why, I just have a sudden urge, and I think it's time I did something like this. But it is important that I make one thing clear before this hodown begins: I haven't cosistently done anything daily since ever. This is a big deal. Well not really. But to me. Sort of. But this is going to be fun, so you might as well stick around.

I think I should take some kind of oath so I don't just forget about this tomorrow. NO! I'll make a list of promises. Citizen Kane style.

1.) I promise to make a respectably-sized entry everyday.
2.) I promise not to make filler posts with surveys and questionaries.
3.) I promise that I will stop making posts on February 28th, 2009.

The last one is just in case I get carried away. Which I just might.


4.) I promise that I won't use spellcheck.

Might not seem like a big thing, but I think I'm getting too comfortable with tools that check my spelling and grammar. See like grammar. I think it's grammar. But it could be grammer...How could I possibly not know this at the age of 18! It is a tragedy, one that I hope to remedy. Okay, how about this.

4.) I promise that I won't use spellcheck, until after I've already made my post.

That way my errors will be public and I'll see every single one of them, and then burn in the pain of my embarassment.

Also, you can expect plently of charts and graphs. You know how much I like those. And pictures and videos!

Yes. This is going to be swell.


Michael Heffernan said...

good luck my man. it will be interesting to see YOU think of stuff.

Anonymous said...

do it. for sure. you may be tempted to slack off a day or two and not post anything but you must resist! keep your promises! and i may just read your stuff everyday. lol good luck let the journey begin.

K. said...

Good luck, bucko!